Building Reserve Fund

Historic Building Reserve Study & Building Reserve Fund

Historic Buildings

Building Reserves expert team has conducted reserve studies for registered historic buildings throughout the country.

Budget for predictable replacements

A reserve study enables the building management to plan ahead and spread the cost of future repairs and replacements. They’re able to prioritize and schedule work to be done which helps the building management avoid loans.

Specialty Exteriors $ Roofing
Specialty Interiors
Plumbing & Mechanical Systems
Landscaping & Irrigation Systems
Site Lighting
Concrete & Paved Surfaces

Client Testimonials

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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Our reserve study clearly gave the Board of Directors a map of which assets needed to be addressed and a structured plan on how to achieve those goals. The final report provides a clear and concise plan on how to best proceed to increase the value of all units in the condo association and get a larger return on investment.

Janet Stanton - Board President, Warwick Pointe Condo Association

We finally have a professional idea of how we need to plan for our financial future. I will encourage future boards to continue working with Building Reserves.

Chris Lambert- Board Member, Park View Terrace Association

We were impressed by the structure of your single page component reports, the Priority Chart, and the format and flexibility of the reserve reporting.  Also, your pricing was competitive.

HOA Client, Tennessee

I want to thank you again for your extended time on the phone with me today. I truly do appreciate your taking the time to go over the Reserve Study for Tree Top III Condo Project, and for explaining in detail the information provided on the study. You were extremely helpful!

Cynthia Walker, Senior Condo Review Specialist

Just a quick note to let you know that the board at Marine Terminal Lofts in Milwaukee has been very pleased with the work and responsiveness of Andrew Herland and Brittany Eggert. While we still need to get final numbers to them for a few of the upgrades we’re planning, they’ve provided excellent customer service and attention to detail. They’ve always treated us with respect and provided us with options when we grappled with how to rollout a special assessment. Andrew is so kind and makes us feel valued.
Thanks for putting together a great team!


reserve study

Just a quick note to let you know that the board at Marine Terminal Lofts in Milwaukee has been very pleased with the work and responsiveness of Andrew Herland and Brittany Eggert. While we still need to get final numbers to them for a few of the upgrades we’re planning, they’ve provided excellent customer service and attention to detail. They’ve always treated us with respect and provided us with options when we grappled with how to rollout a special assessment. Andrew is so kind and makes us feel valued.

Thanks for putting together a great team!


I want to thank you again for your extended time on the phone with me today. I truly do appreciate your taking the time to go over the Reserve Study for Tree Top III Condo Project, and for explaining in detail the information provided on the study. You were extremely helpful!

Cynthia Walker, Senior Review Specialist

We were impressed by the structure of your single page component reports, the Priority Chart, and the format and flexibility of the reserve reporting.  Also, your pricing was competitive.

HOA Client, Tennessee

We finally have a professional idea of how we need to plan for our financial future. I will encourage future boards to continue working with Building Reserves.

Chris Lambert - Board Member, Park View Terrace Association

Our reserve study clearly gave the Board of Directors a map of which assets needed to be addressed and a structured plan on how to achieve those goals. The final report provides a clear and concise plan on how to best proceed to increase the value of all units in the condo association and get a larger return on investment.

Janet Stanton - Board President, Warwick Pointe Condo Association

We intend to use the reserve study as the basic planning document for setting annual reserve contributions. The report allows us the ability to track specific assets to the annual cash flow and associated reserve contributions. The support provided by Building Reserves was extraordinary and very helpful

Barrs Lewis - Board Member, Bridgewater Lofts Association

Why do you need a reserve study for your

historic building

A reserve fund covers the cost to replace and repair shared property assets, which is necessary for safety and to retain the value of the property.

Failing to conduct a reserve study can be argued as a breach of your fiduciary duty. In turn, this will put you and the association at risk of potential liability.

Building Reserve Fund

Why choose Building Reserves?

Our engineers are highly skilled and don't take shortcuts. We create easy-to-read reports in a format that anyone can understand.

Our Process